Thursday, August 8, 2013

Horses don't lie.

A friend sent me a link to an article on horses used in psychotherapy. I feel re-inspired! It got me to thinking about what I appreciate most about horses; the way they can teach us about ourselves. 
Horses are honest to a fault.  You cannot “fake” your way around them.  They immediately put up a mirror and give us a clear reflection of who we are, if we are willing to journey there. Amongst the herd everyone is very clear on where they stand and they are able to communicate clearly and effectively with each other. There is no pretending or whispering behind each other’s backs; what you see is what you get. You can put on a big show and act as tough as you like, but they can read you like a book. This is part of what makes them the best teachers – they do not lie. 
Horses inspire honesty of ourselves and humility of character. 
I love working with people as they work with horses. In order to learn and succeed with them you really need to be willing to drop any pretence and admit that you do not, infact, have it all together. Surprising for us all to learn about each other, I know!
Funny, isn’t that exactly the place God can teach us the most as well! I always find that when I am placed in a moment of humility (often by circumstance; oh that one day I would be able to just put myself there!) and surrender, it is there that God can meet with me and bring the greatest change and renewal in my life.
Let’s be people of humility and honesty! Bringing ourselves openly and expectantly before God to do a mighty work in us; making us better and enabling us to reach out to those around us.
A horse knows. He knows if you know. He knows if you don't know
Ray Hunt

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