What do we do when we run out of answers?
This week I have been trying to get a "hard to load" horse on the trailer to a new home. Hence, I have been thinking more and more about this question. I suppose it really depends on the person, however, I would say that FRUSTRATION is a pretty basic response. Some people get angry, many speak and act out of their frustration, while others just give up and withdraw.
In horse training, our frustration can be extremely detrimental. We stop teaching well and acting well. We end up doing things that we would not normally do and often don't even genuinely believe are helpful; but we are out of tricks, so we just start doing crazy stuff!
When horses stop thinking, they are dangerous! They start acting out of their instinctive fight or flight. The result can be extreme self harm and often great damage to the people around them; despite the humans' efforts and good intentions. It has gotten me thinking ... do we do that? As people? I think maybe we do. I would venture to say that when people stop thinking, we too are dangerous! We run out of answers to life and respond in all kinds of detrimental ways.
One of the best things I have learned when working with horses is, in a frustrating moment, to take a step back and just consider what is going on. It is extremely freeing to be okay with not knowing all the answers. Let's learn to just take a moment. Step back and take a minute to think. Here God can work.
Below is a picture of a horse being loaded poorly, and one of it being done well. In the second photo, the horse is looking to the person for leadership, he is thinking it through and trusting. Oh that I would be that way with God. In those moments where I have run out of life's answers I pray I would look to HIM for my assurance and direction.
We can take this in two ways I think. One, let's learn from being a horse trainer, not acting out of our frustration, but stopping and refocusing on our faithful and steadfast God; searching for truth and life. Two, let's learn from the horse, noting the people we hurt around us when we stop thinking and start flailing.
How do you respond when you run out of answers?
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